Monday, January 16, 2012

Girls Busy Weekend!

Amaurie and Kylie at the birthday party
Seemed like this weekend was a busy one! Our niece, Amaurie, had her 4th birthday part Saturday, which was fun to go to. The girls were thrilled to get to go to her party! As soon as they got out of school Friday they talked about it! Friday evening Amaurie even came over and I watched her while Jamie ran a few errands, and the girls loved it! They watched some cartoons, played in the bedrooms, chased Gabryle around, then sat down to watch the Justin Bieber movie. Saturday we went to her party and the girls had a blast! Gabryle even had fun, till he let go of his balloon and made it fly away! (On the way home he cried and kept hollering for his balloon to come back). The girls got to go Saturday out to the farm with Jamie and Papa and Carrie to see some of the horses Papa brought up with him. Kenzie was thrilled to see the horses!!
Mackenzie and Biddy
Kenzie and Kylie stayed and had a sleepover with Amaurie that night. They seemed to have a good time at the sleepover! Then Sunday, Aunt Jamie took the girls and a couple of Amauries other friends to the skating rink to go skating. Kenzie wasn't too thrilled with skating so she watched and played some of the games they had snacked on stuff. Jamie told me that Kylie skated almost the whole 2 hours they were there and was catching on pretty quickly. Course Kylie told me, "Mommy I kept falling on my booty!" After the skating we picked up the girls things at Jamie's and then headed home. 
Amaurie, Mackenzie and Kylie
out visiting the horses!
Gabryle playing in the clothes
They slept all the way home and seemed to have a good weekend. Gabryle stayed home with us and seemed to enjoy having Mommy and Daddy all to himself. He and Jerrod watched some TV together stretched out on the couch, and he picked on Daddy a lot! I think his most favorite part was getting to sleep in longer on Sunday morning. For him sleeping in till 9 is a lot!! Normally he's up and ready to go around 730 on the weekends. He did seem glad to have the girls back though. He didn't let Kenzie leave his sight once we got home!! 
Where's Gabryle?
 Today we will have a lazy day at home and then tomorrow get back in our normal school routine. I bet the girls teachers are going to hear ALL about their weekend tomorrow. I know for sure Mackenzie will tell her teachers that she got to go out and see "her" horses and help feed them and everything!!

Till Next Time!!!!

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