Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Kylie's Pumpkins

Kylie's Pumpkin
So, before Halloween Kylie's class got to carve a pumpkin actually in class. After they carved it that evening her teacher cleaned off enough seeds from the pumpkin so each child could take a couple home with them to do what ever their parents allow them to do with the seeds. Kylie decided she wanted to try and grow the pumpkins so we can have all we want to make many more jack-o-lanterns. I warned Kylie that I am not great with growing plants, but that doesn't matter to her. She was determined we will grow these pumpkins.

So I got one of our clear plastic cups, put a couple of paper towels in it then stuck one seed on one side and one on the other side. We watered the paper towel/seed combo and stuck it in the window sill. A week later we had one of the seeds start to sprout! Kylie was thrilled when she saw that the seeds had started to grow! Her seeds have been growing now for about 2 weeks and are about 6 inches tall now. She loves seeing how much they have grown!
Kylie's pumpkin

 What I am surprised about, is how We have been able to grow these pumpkin seeds, with no dirt, over watered and they are thriving! I am not a gardener by any means! I have tried to grow flowers, we've tried vegetables, and I have even tried cactus and I can't grow anything!! I have literally kissed cactus's, and I only watered them once!  Maybe it's Kylie's determination to grow these pumpkins, but I'm shocked that they have not died yet. I think I am surprised most about it, because we haven't put any dirt in the cup. She's happy with them, so that's all we can ask for. If they die before we replant them somewhere not to sure what we will do, but I'm sure she will be okay with it. Hopefully they don't thought!!!
My Kylie!

                      Till Next Time!!!

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