Monday, November 7, 2011

Best-est Friends

As Mackenzie and I were running an errand earlier this evening she was telling me about one of her friends. His name is Aftyn. He is not just her friend, but her best-est friend as she put it. As I was driving she was telling me that she played with Aftyn at her recesses today so I asked, is Aftyn your best friend. Her reply was "Aftyn is my best-est friend. I play with him almost every school day, except for when he is sick or if I ever get sick. If he is sick I usually sit on the sidewalk and watch the other kids play." I thought it was sweet but a little sad at the same time. 

She and Aftyn were in pre-k and Kindergarten together. This is the first year they have been separated in classes. They were inseparable last year in kindergarten and I bet if they were in the same class this year, they would be inseparable again. They play vampires a lot during recess and I believe what they call werewolves. She told me today that during recess they like to have races, but Aftyn is way to fast for her. Sometimes he will hold her hand while they run so they can win together. 

I think its cute how she thinks Aftyn is her best-est friend. Last year she always called him her boyfriend and told us that she would marry him. She has many many friends, don't think otherwise. Mackenzie has friends with kids in all of the other first grade classes, and then also in second grade and I believe a few third graders. All three of our kids are very likable. I guess that is why all the neighborhood kids love to come play with them. 

Till Next Time!

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