Thursday, March 8, 2012


They are in side a bubble!!! 

It was a busy day for Mackenzie and I today. Today all of the first grade classes at school, plus one kindergarten class got to go to the Jasmine Moran Children's Museum. It was a lot of fun! I could have done with out the rain and wind while we were driving up there but besides that it was a really good day for us. All together there were 120 students from our school that attended. All but 20 were first graders.

It was the first time I had been to this museum and I have to say that it was worth it! Mackenzie and I  went around to the different areas of the museum with 2 of the little girls from her class. they were very well behaved and we had a fun. I think their favorite areas were the bubble area and the water station. They also spent a lot of time in the Emergency Room area that was set up there.
Kenzie making some bubbles.
The people who designed this museum I think did a great job. I hope we soon take all the kids to go play there. They have stuff Gabryle can do and I'm sure he would be thrilled playing on some of the things they have. I bet Kylie would love doing all of the doctor stuff and using the art center.
WATCH OUT!! Kenzie is behind the wheel!!
Dr. Mackenzie

Till Next Time!!

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