Thursday, March 1, 2012

Family Fun Night!

Tonight was the school's annual Family Fun Night to raise money for the school. It was a lot of fun. The girls got to put tickets in to win different items available in a drawing, dance and play with their friends, and eat some pizza. Jerrod participated in the silent auction that was being done and Gabryle had a blast while dancing in his seat and other places, playing with a little ball game and watching all the other kids.

The girls even played a few of the games the different grades did. There was a cake walk (which the girls both won), lots of bean bag tosses, a Dino dig, face painting, limbo, tattoos, and a few other games to play. It was cute watching the girls do the limbo. I never realized how low Kenzie can go under a bar! Kylie was lucky enough that she is so tiny she could walk under it most of the time. I think Gabryle had more fun eating the suckers the girls won in the games and playing with the little toys that they won as prizes in the games.

Jerrod bid in the silent auction on a few items and ended up winning a Mommy and Me gardening set that included lots of gardening tools, a nice wheelbarrow, pansies, a salsa growing kit, and a few other things in it. It's a really nice set too. All of the baskets are baskets put together from the different grades in the school. Some grades sometimes do 2 baskets, but most do just 1.  Worked out great getting it especially since we got some rose bushes a few weeks ago. The girls didn't get their name drawn for anything that they put the tickets into, but they still had a good time tonight. It was fun getting to watch them dance with their friends. When we first got there, Kylie was so excited because she ran into Adam, one of her really good friends. (Adam and Kylie eat breakfast together every morning.)
It's a fun fundraiser for the school that they do and we'll most likely go again next year. We know they raised at least 500 dollars just from the silent auction. I always find it interesting to hear how much the school. earned from tonight.

Till Next Time!!

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