Thursday, August 30, 2012

Ribbons and Hair Bows!

Kylie lately has been wanting some hair bows and ribbons so I took the extra ribbon I have lying around the house and took to it to making some hair bows. no I am not a pro at it, but I think they turned out pretty well and the important thing is that the girls love them.

A few of the hair bows on their bow holder. 
 So far I have made them 3 different types of hair bows. I've done the curled ribbon bows, flower bows and then what I call layered puff bows. No I don't know the technical names of them but I can make them. Mackenzie seems to like the curled ribbon ones the best. She pulls her hair up in a pony tail and then puts one in to cover the hair band. I'm not to big on the style of them but I'm not making them for me.

Kylie loves the puffy ones I have made. She especially loves the pink and purple one I made today. I have a feeling she will for sure wear it to school tomorrow with something that is pink and purple. She sure has enough clothes those colors!

Mackenzie loves how I have done the colors of OSU on a few of them since she currently is a big fan of OSU. I'm surprised that they have not asked yet for me to do some more in their school colors which are Red and White. I should do some anyway that way they can wear on game days and spirit days!

When I get some more made I'll try and remember to post the pictures on here so you can see what I have done. Enjoy the pictures I posted below!!

Till Next Time!!
Mackenzie's Orange Hair Bow 

The flower hair bow I made. 

The first puffy hair bow I made. 

Kylie's Pink and Purple Puffy Hair Bow I made. 

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Let the homework begin!

The first full week of school has come and gone and the girls have gotten really well set into the back to school routine. This week both of the girls have started to have homework come home. I knew of course Kenzie would have quite a bit and luckily it doesn't take an act of congress to get her to work on it.

Kylie had a paper to do yesterday and after we got home and everything out of the backpacks and what not she started on her paper. She was excited for her first paper homework assignment that she had to do. Yes I know, not many kids are excited about homework, but for some reason Kylie was. She got her pencil and hopped up to the table and started to work on it. I had to help her with one side but she did really well on the other side. It took her about ten minutes to do the worksheet and then I started with Mackenzie.

This year on top of spelling Mackenzie will also have vocabulary words and 2 readers to read each week. They will take a test on both of the stories that they start on Monday. She read through them like a champ and had it done after a bit. She can't wait till they get to next weeks story in their hardback reader. It's all about astronauts. All in all it took us an hour to finish homework between the two girls, and that was with Kenzie working on some of hers while I was helping Kylie with hers.

I'm sure once the girls are a little more used to doing homework after school it won't take us as long to finish homework. Today I know for sure Kenzie will have homework. Not sure about Kylie yet. (Mackenzie's teacher puts a newsletter in her students red folder and it contains the weekly homework calendar so we know what needs to be done for homework every day. I love that!) By the end of this week, Mackenzie will have taken 5 tests, read at least 4 books and will enjoy every minute of it.

Till Next Time!!!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Girls and School

Well, the first full week of school is almost completely over and the girls still are enjoying going. They settled into a nice routine in the mornings and that makes it so much easier getting them up and to the bus stop.

Kylie is still absolutely fascinated with riding the bus to and from school. She loves it and wishes she was able to do it last year also, but oh well. She seems to love her teacher and enjoys all her friends she has made and the ones she already knew from last year. Her favorite part of the day is getting to eat breakfast in the morning with Adam, her best friend, or boyfriend if you ask her. He waits for her in the cafeteria till the bus drops her off and then they both go and get their breakfast. (his mom is one of the cafeteria workers at the primary school). She even specifically told Mackenzie she does not need her to sit with her and Adam in the morning and that Kenzie can eat with her friends some where else. She wants to eat breakfast with her boyfriend and friends without Kenzie.  (I think it's adorable!)

Mackenzie seems to really like her teacher this year. She's already been to the school library and picked out some books to read and started taking her AR tests that she has to do. (AR = Accelerated Reader) She was told by her teacher to make sure to pick out certain levels of books which she has and has found they are a little harder now. I think she likes the challenge though. She usually does better if she has a challenge. She hasn't started learning science yet but she is patiently waiting for that. I think she will do great in it! She is also glad because on Friday, her class goes to PE with another second grade class that her best friend Aftyn is in. So Fridays, along with lunch and their recesses, she gets to spend PE with him too.

Monday we will all go to the school open house and let the girls show us their classrooms in the evening.  Kylie said they have been working on some projects to decorate their classroom for it but won't ell me what they are. I'm sure they'll be great!!

Till Next Time!!!

Thursday, August 16, 2012

First Day of School!!!!

The first day of school is over and the girls had a great day! They both got off of the bus with smiles this afternoon and the first thing Kylie said was she had a good day.
Kylie said she really likes her teacher and she had a pretty dress on today. (Go figure she would think of to judge peoples clothes today!) Her special class was P.E. and they had spaghetti and meatballs for lunch. She wasn't happy about lunch since she does not like spaghetti but besides that she had a good day. There are a handful of kids from her pre-k class in her room this year and she sits across from one of her good friends Macy. She was thrilled that she got to play with Adam at recess and see him again. Those two will probably be inseparable during recess this year. She was not happy though that they did not start to learn phonics today. She is SO looking forward to learning how to read!
Mackenzie said her day was really good also. She doesn't have anyone from her first grade class in her class but there is a handful of kids from her kindergarten class that is in her class this year. She really enjoys her teacher, or at least she says she does. I'm sure she does. She likes everybody! She is thrilled that she actually gets to start learning science this year and will have a textbook to keep at her desk and everything. Kenzie also said that tomorrow she will get all her books and her class number that they use to put on all their papers and is looking forward to P.E. tomorrow.
It'll be a great year for the two girls. I will keep everyone updated on their progress!!

Till Next Time!!!

Monday, August 13, 2012

No more glasses!!!

I took the girls today for their back to school eye exams.  They went very well and am proud to report Mackenzie doesn't need glasses. She still has a slight astigmatism but it has gotten better in the past year. If we find that during the school year she starts to have trouble we will go back and get a pair of glasses for her. Besides that she has very healthy eyes.  she is excited that she doesn't have to have glasses for the now. Hopefully she won't have to have anymore!!

Kylie did well in her appointment especially since it was her first time to have an eye appointment.  her eyes are very healthy and nothing is wrong with them. Kylie told him that her eyes did hurt when she went outside in the sun so he made sure to tell her he would check on that. He said the reason her eyes bother her in the sun is due to how light colored her eyes are along with how sensitive her pupils are.  they were very sensitive just to the little light he used to check her pupils with. He said that getting just a pair of sunglasses at Wal-Mart or Walgreen's and get her a cheap pair of sunglasses that she can use when she goes outside for now especially when she is playing. She was glad to hear that she can pick out any of them there that she likes. She is hoping she can find a pair of Barbie sunglasses when we go get her a pair.

Gabryle had fun just watching to two this afternoon. He is now just passed out asleep beside me. Apparently seeing the eye doctor is very tiring.

The girls are now all ready for back to school on Thursday. It can't come fast enough for them!

Till Next Time!!!

Saturday, August 4, 2012


One of the many butterflies flocking to the zinnias.
 Surprisingly the heat the past few weeks have not reeked havoc on my flowers. They have shown a few signs of not liking the heat, but all in all they are doing fairly well. My roses still have rose buds developing and opening up. They aren't as large as the first ones that I had open but they are still pretty!

MY zinnias are still just overwhelming. They seem to kind of like the heat. After they are beautiful and are time to cut off it seems two more grow back in its place. Butterflies have started flocking to the zinnias. I have tried for a few days and finally got some shots of one of the butterflies. Usually around five or so when Jerrod gets home there are about five or six butterflies there sitting on the zinnias. I
Another shot of the butterfly.
have also noticed a lot of dragonflies around them also in the evenings.

Hope you enjoy the photos!!!

Thursday, August 2, 2012


Fourteen more days and summer is officially over for the girls. Today Kenzie and I went up to the school and filled out all the enrollment forms for the girls to start school and now are waiting to see which teachers they get. Kenzie is beyond thrilled that she should find out within the week who she will get. Kylie said she doesn't care as long as she is nice. All we have left now is getting the few school supplies that we need to provide for each of the girls.

Kylie is thrilled since she will get to ride the bus this year with Kenzie. She also can't wait to see her friends that she hasn't seen this summer. I think she is most looking forward to trying to learn how to read. She is going to be a little bookworm just like Mackenzie I think. I hope she does!
Hard to believe Kenzie will be a second grader this year. She is hoping that she actually gets to start science this year along with learning how to write in cursive. She has been very engrossed about wanting to learn as much as she can about science. This summer she has read many books and is looking forward to being in the AR reading program again this year. Every day the past few days she keeps coming up and asking "Will second grade be harder than first grade?" I keep telling her it might and she seems very satisfied with that.

The girls are also still collecting their box tops for the school.  Over the summer we have collected 100 between the two of them, and will continue to  collect them through out the school year. I think it's one of their favorite things to do, is to turn in those sheets. If anyone has any they have collected and don't have a school to donate them to let me know and we would gladly get them to a school that participates in the program!