Friday, March 30, 2012

Stranger Drill

As Kylie, Gabryle and I were waiting in the line of cars to pick up Mackenzie, Kylie told me that they had to sit behind Mrs. Pearson's desk in the dark with the doors locked. This thoroughly confused me, which sometimes is not hard to do, but I was real confused on this one. It's not often you hear of a class going and hiding behind the teachers desk in the dark with the doors locked for practice. Kylie made sure to let me know she did not like how it was dark, but she stayed quiet like she was supposed too. (She isn't big about being in the dark. At night if she uses the bathroom in the middle of the night she will leave the bathroom light on after using it purposely so she will have a little light in her room.)

We finally made our way through the line of parents picking up their children and got Mackenzie. As I pulled out of the parking lot I asked if they had to lock their doors with the lights off and sit in the floor. She quickly replied yeah its a stranger drill. They have had them since she started school in pre-k (2 years ago). This is the first I had ever heard of them. 

Each class has a certain area in their classroom  that they students and teacher go sit and wait quietly in after locking the door, pull the shades down, and turn the light off. They then wait till the all clear is given and they can get up. Now that I think about it, every classroom that Mackenzie has been in, pre-k, kindergarten and first grade, all have had an area in it where the class can sit and not be seen by the window in the door. The teachers have all purposely laid out the desks, centers and shelves to where they have a safe place to sit in the classroom where they can not be seen. 

I think its sad that they have to do that now in school, but at the same time I am glad that they have a plan set in case something does happen. So now along with Tornado and Fire drills, they have Stranger drills. Mackenzie told me that is exactly what they call them too. I know when I was in elementary school I don't remember ever once having to have one of those drills. Yes we had tornado and fire drills, but that was it as far as I can remember. It is sad they have to do that. Maybe eventually schools won't have to do that.....

Till Next Time!!

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