Friday, February 24, 2012

Mommy's old!!!!

Some things the kids say just crack me up. Yesterday as I was driving the kids to school for some reason Kylie asked if we would have any more babies. I have a feeling she asked due to one of her friends in another pre-k class just had a new baby born in their family. I quickly assured her that we won't have anymore babies because I can't have any more kids. She asked why, and instead of getting into the details of it replied "I just can't." Yet of course this answer did not suffice and she asked why again. I replied the same thing I said earlier and then Kenzie pops off "Cause Mom is too Old to have any more babies!" I just looked at her and quickly assured Kenzie that I am not to old to have any more children, but just can't. The rest of the way to school we went back and forth on whether or not I am old. Kenzie knew how old I was and quickly assured me that I would be turning 29 this year and 30 next year. I had no idea she remembered how old I was!  Jerrod thought it was pretty funny when I told him about it later. 

They also were excited yesterday since Jerrod finally found him a truck he likes. It will be nice having a second vehicle again. It's been way over a year since we had two vehicles. Having just one over the past year has worked out fairly well for us. Jerrod and I had it worked out when we would switch the car so I could pick the girls up and then picking him up from work. Now we won't have to do that anymore so It'll be nice. Plus it will be a lot easier once t-ball starts up again this summer for Kenzie and if Kylie if she decides to play. Now don't get me wrong, have just 1 car was not bad at all or an inconvenient. It will just be that much easier getting some things done now that we have the truck! 

Till Next Time!!

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