Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Lazy Days

Keeping the girls busy during the holidays sometimes is not the easiest thing to do. The girls are used to having a packed day of scheduled school activities while they are there. Today we stayed home and let Jerrod keep the car since he works 8 am to 9pm, which is no biggie. The girls have played in their room, played some video games, and read some books. Gabryle has chased the girls around, rearranged the games, and taken a nap, along with coming up to me and giving me hand shakes, high fives, and kisses and hugs. (you can never beat your own kids hugs and kisses!!!)  They've also been pretty good at sleeping in too. Granted Jerrod has had to be at work at 8 every morning this week, it's still nice that the girls try to sleep in till he leaves. If they do wake up they usually stay in their room and play with a toy or read a book. Gabryle has come in our room the past few mornings around 530 or 600 but falls asleep once he gets up in bed between me and Jerrod.
This evening we sat and ate dinner in the living room tonight, and after we finished eating we played some Super Mario. The girls love to play the coin battle, so we put that on and played a few levels of the coin battle. We had fun and then we tried a new level on it, the roller coaster level as they call it. (It's level 8-7 for those of you that know Wii Super Mario Brothers.)  Gabryle thought it was the most entertaining thing he had seen! We were all laughing hard and had a great time.
I even let them help me this morning fix our dinner. That was I think the highlight of their day. They both helped me wash the potatoes and then Kylie would hand me one, I would cut it into 4 pieces then Kenzie would put it in the crock pot (we had a rump roast with red potatoes for dinner).  Anytime we let them help in the kitchen, whether it be me or Jerrod, they absolutely love it! They don't care what they are helping with as long as they get to help. I think they have a favorite of helping when I bake cookies or bread or cake. Of course what kid doesn't like to help when it involves sweets.

Till Next Time!!!

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