Saturday, December 24, 2011

It's Christmas Eve!!!!

It's Christmas Eve, and the kids were up early and excited. Kylie was worried at first when we woke up this morning due to the fact that Santa had not come yet to give her a present. I quickly assured her that it was only Christmas Eve and that he would in fact visit her, but not until tonight. This quickly satisfied her and we started fixing breakfast.
Every Christmas Eve we have some things that we have started as some holiday traditions. While Jerrod works, periodically throughout the day the kids and I check the NORAD Santa Tracker online. The girls find it fascinating to see the places that Santa has already been to. I kind of find it interesting too honestly. The girls were up early this morning and as we checked it for the first time around 7:30, and he was in New Zealand.
Tonight, after dinner and before the kids go to bed we will all sit in the living room and read The Night Before Christmas. The girls love the story, and they have been looking forward to it for a few days now. Kenzie has already told me that she plans on going to bed way early tonight so Christmas Day will come even quicker. Before bed the girls will set out the cookies and milk for Santa, and they have already started debating on whether they will put out ones that Kenzie decorated or the ones Kylie decorated. I made it a point to tell them that no matter who decorated them, Santa will love them.
Kylie is also excited about all the presents and everything with Christmas. Her biggest concern though, is how will Santa get into the house since we have no fireplace. I assured her that Santa has a master key that works for all houses that have no fireplace, so he can get in and out with out having to wake someone up to get in the house. We started that explanation with Mackenzie, and it has stuck with explaining how Santa gets in without a fireplace and it works.

Have a Merry Christmas Everyone!!!
Till Next Time!!!

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