Saturday, June 9, 2012

More zinnias are coming!!!

Went out and checked my flowers this morning and had the yellow zinnia open up over night. A lot of the flowers have buds almost ready to pop open so it is only a matter of time. My rises are doing well also. I have three rose buds that are growing bigger every day and one is about to open soon. I have also started to have new branches grow on the roses also. Very glad at least one of the bushes have survived and is thriving.
It also looks like I should have some peppers start to produce soon also. I have never grown peppers so hopefully they work out. I still have not had any tomatoes produce on my tomato plants. I hope they grow. I still have had no luck growing cilantro. I have tried growing two separate batches of seeds and all just withered away after they got to be about three inches tall. Might have to find some that is already grown and just plant it in my planter. I will make sure to post some pics of the roses when they open up.
Till next time!!!

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