Saturday, September 24, 2011


Watching the girls play outside is quite entertaining. As I write at the moment I am watching Mackenzie and Kylie play out in the yard since it is nice outside. I have Gabryle laying on the sofa for a nap, and Jerrod is at work. The nice thing about our neighborhood is we don't have a lot of heavy traffic to worry about, and in our yard, there is no road by it. The area we play in is surrounded by the other homes in our neighborhood. They get to play in the middle, and so do a few of the other kids from the area.

Both of the girls try and be the boss while they play. It doesn't always work out that they both try to, and most of the time end up causing fights, but so far today, it is good with the two of them. Mackenzie loves to be outdoors. If she could spend all the time outside she would. She doesn't mind getting dirt on her and plays in the mud when she can. She loves all sorts of sports and plans on playing as many as she can. Kylie however does not like to get dirty. She will play outside but doesn't like to get all muddy and dirty. She said she wants to try tball next summer so we will let her try. Never hurts to let her try something new, and a sport I think would be great for her to try. I can see her doing it for one season but that is it. I don't think she will be as into the sports like baseball and soccer. Now I can see her enjoying something like gymnastics or ballet.

I do love watching the two of them play together. Even though they don't always get along they can come up with some of the most interesting games to play. I have listened to them play aliens, vampires, chipmunks, and of course school and beauty place. Some of the games Mackenzie and her friends from school came up with during their recess last year in kindergarten.  Whats even more entertaining is when they are playing and Gabryle joins in the fun by running in at them then telling them to "shh" and run back out giggling. He can get those two laughing so hard its funny. Course they can get him to laughing really hard also. A few nights ago Kylie and Gabryle were in the Girls room playing and Mackenzie would run to the door look in at them and growl and Gabryle would just start laughing as hard as he could. Nothing better then hearing the kids laugh!

Till Next Time!

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