Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Can we rewind please?

What a day yesterday! Our day here started out normal, but turned out to be a little scary. Jerrod took the kids off to school so they could eat breakfast as they have been and he headed to work. I fed Gabryle and started on some dishes and then the phone rang....
The school called and said that our daughter was in the office and was hyperventilating and collapsed at school and was in the nurses office and we needed to come get her. I immediately called Jerrod and he headed up to get her. when he got there she tried talking but she couldn't get any words out and he could tell she wasn't doing to well. She couldn't use her right arm or leg and actually collapsed at school coming out of the bathroom before heading to the nurses office. He rushed her up to the ER and they got her back right away. They ran their blood tests and when they came back normal did a ct scan which came back normal. Needless to say she started getting better and the ER pretty much came to the conclusion that she just had a stomach bug. Jerrod and I however thought of it to be a migraine. She had all of the symptoms Jerrod has when he has a migraine. She was released and we went home. She slept the rest of the afternoon and woke up around dinner time and ate dinner. She had a headache the rest of the evening and it eventually wore off.
We took her today to her regular physician and explained to him what went on. All in all he did not concur that it was a stomach bug and has decided if she has another episode like what she had yesterday we are to get her to the er and while in the process of doing that call HIM so he can get an MRI and another Brain Imaging Scan done while she is still having her symptoms so we can see if anything shows up on the scans.
All in all yesterday was very un-nerving. I did talk with her teacher and ultimately she was not feeling well through breakfast either. One of the lunch ladies noticed she wasn't using her hand as she normally did. When Kenzie got to class shew as crying and her eyes red and told her she just did not feel right, so Mrs. Rayburn said she can go to the bathroom and then head to the nurse's office. She got to the nurses office but had to be taken by the janitor who happened to be at the right place at the right time. She was right by the bathroom as Mackenzie came out and just collapsed. I'm in a way glad Kenzie doesn't remember all that what happened, but it kind of makes it more scary that she can't remember everything.
To top that off one of her good friends was in a car accident and ended up passing in the middle of the night last night. The school called and mentioned to me what happened so we could let Mackenzie know. She is sad about it and made a card for the girl's family. We've talked about it and she knows there are people at school she can talk to and of course, she can always talk to either of us or anyone in the family.
Ultimately, if I had a rewind button I would have pressed it already and gone back and maybe kept Kenzie home or something. Of course how were we to know she was going to end up collapsing and everything? Might have never known.....

Till Next Time!

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