Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Garden Update!

I haven't updated lately on my little garden so here is my update on it along with pictures below. The tomatoes are doing great. I checked them this morning before I watered and there are 2 blooms now on the plants!! YEAH!!! I hope they actually develop into tomatoes!! The pepper plants are doing well also. I have not seen any sign of them having any peppers growing yet, but hopefully soon they will!! I can't wait till they do! Unfortunately the cilantro has not made it yet. Out of 2 different seed plantings, none of them have survived. I am at the point I will go to Lowe's or one of the little garden shops in town and get a cilantro plant that has already started and go from there with that.  I want to be able to make us some homemade salsa!!!

The pansy plants have taken off. They are doing very well, except for one of them. I think one out of six not doing well is still very good for me. The others have multiple blooms and are very colorful and full of blossoms! The rose bush hasn't put out any more flowers yet. It is however growing new branches and leaves so I'm not concerned with it at all. It has had 2 beautiful roses so far and I'm sure many more to come! The zinnia's are getting tall and full. One of the flowers has a flower bud on it and I bet will start opening in the next few days. Kylie is so thrilled about it and is hoping it is a pink zinnia. Gabryle is thrilled because they are getting so big. He loves the zinnias and every time I ask if they are his flowers he says yes, so they are no longer mine apparently.  The bleeding hearts are struggling a little. Not sure if its from the Oklahoma weather or what. I know part of it is most likely due to the fact the shady spot I had it in, is now no longer shaded all day like it used to be. I forgot to remember that with the summer coming the shady spots will be different. I'll figure something out for it to make it do well. The other bulb plants I transplanted are doing okay I think. One has started to grow back after loosing its leaves from the transplant. Maybe now it will produce a flower, if it even does produce flowers. I'll update again soon as the zinnia's start to produce flowers.
Till Next Time!!!

Tomato plant with 2 blooms!!!!

Pepper plants

Pansy plants!!!

Rose Bush
Zinnia's!! If you look towards the middle of the
front row of zinnias you will see the plant
with the flower pod just waiting to open up!

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