Thursday, May 3, 2012

Counting down the days!

Yep, it's summer almost!  The girls are in their last 2 weeks of school and they are ready for a break!! Kenzie starts her end of year tests today, or at least that is what she has told me. Kylie will get to visit the kindergarten classrooms in the next week or so and every day it seems as if something is going on that is related to school.

The last week of school will be the busiest. That Monday we have Kylie's awards assembly/pre-k graduation. Tuesday Kenzie's class gets to go on a field trip to play laser tag for the day, then on Wednesday her class has their awards assembly/1st grade graduation.  Then Thursday is the magical day that Kenzie is counting down towards. The last day of school!!!!

I think Gabryle will enjoy having the girls home for a few months to play with him all day every day. He enjoys getting to play with them after school. I think it's his favorite part of the day besides meal times and when we go outside to play. He has become fascinated with chalk while we are outside. He loves the fact that he can draw on the sidewalks and the porch and not get in trouble for coloring on it. I also think he enjoys it because he knows once it gets to where there is no more room to draw I wash it off with the water and we let it dry. Of course in this process he always finds a way to manage to get wet while I Wash the chalk off the ground.

I'll make sure to get pictures while we are at the awards assemblies for the kids and the other things we attend and get them posted as soon as I can. And if you don't hear from me for a while, just remember I shall e back with a post as soon as I can with all the craziness of the end of the year!!

Till Next Time!!!!

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