Well, the first full week of school is almost completely over and the girls still are enjoying going. They settled into a nice routine in the mornings and that makes it so much easier getting them up and to the bus stop.
Kylie is still absolutely fascinated with riding the bus to and from school. She loves it and wishes she was able to do it last year also, but oh well. She seems to love her teacher and enjoys all her friends she has made and the ones she already knew from last year. Her favorite part of the day is getting to eat breakfast in the morning with Adam, her best friend, or boyfriend if you ask her. He waits for her in the cafeteria till the bus drops her off and then they both go and get their breakfast. (his mom is one of the cafeteria workers at the primary school). She even specifically told Mackenzie she does not need her to sit with her and Adam in the morning and that Kenzie can eat with her friends some where else. She wants to eat breakfast with her boyfriend and friends without Kenzie. (I think it's adorable!)
Mackenzie seems to really like her teacher this year. She's already been to the school library and picked out some books to read and started taking her AR tests that she has to do. (AR = Accelerated Reader) She was told by her teacher to make sure to pick out certain levels of books which she has and has found they are a little harder now. I think she likes the challenge though. She usually does better if she has a challenge. She hasn't started learning science yet but she is patiently waiting for that. I think she will do great in it! She is also glad because on Friday, her class goes to PE with another second grade class that her best friend Aftyn is in. So Fridays, along with lunch and their recesses, she gets to spend PE with him too.
Monday we will all go to the school open house and let the girls show us their classrooms in the evening. Kylie said they have been working on some projects to decorate their classroom for it but won't ell me what they are. I'm sure they'll be great!!
Till Next Time!!!