Kylie's in the process of being made. Plus a few of the Stockings and Candy Canes we made. |
So, we finished our ornaments last night and I think they turned out great! The girls wanted theirs to be red, so I added the red color to the water before adding it to the flour/salt mixture, and I think it turned out great doing it that way instead of painting the color on like I did on Gabryle's. Gabryle's still turned out great even though I painted the green on with watered down food coloring.
Mackenzie's in the process of being made. |
Gabryle's ornaments in the process of being made. |
We had quite a bit of extra dough so as the girls hand prints were starting to dry I used some cookie cutters and made some stockings and candy canes. Mackenzie thought that was a great idea. We baked them in the oven for a shorter time than I did Gabryle's and they did not puff up any like a couple of Gabryle's did, which I am thrilled about. I was also afraid that after they dried a little the color would turn more pink than red but they haven't. They have still kept their red coloring without fading. (whether they fade over a long period of time we shall see!)
After they cooled to the touch and had set for a few hours I pulled the paint out and started painting the small little ornaments how I wanted, just to make sure the metallic Gold color looked all right with the red color of the dough. Kylie thought I Was crazy for painting them at first! As those dried I separated the girls hand prints and wrote their names and the year on them with a gold permanent marker then painted the hands.
I haven't had to touch up the paint on the hand prints, which I'm glad about. By the time I was through painting the hands the stockings and candy canes were dry and I was able to check them out better. I think they turned out just as cute as the hand prints.
This morning the hand prints are still a little damp on the back, but I imagine they will dry fairly quickly and be ready for hanging on the tree. I'll recheck the paint in a little bit just to make sure
The completed Ornaments |
I didn't miss any spots on the hands and that all of
the red is covered in the hand area.
I enjoyed doing this with the kids. It was easy and quick to do, and it uses every day things that most people have in their house to begin with. Once we get our tree up and the ornaments up on the tree I will post pictures so you can see them hanging with all of our other family ornaments.
Till Next Time!!!